Prom night part 1 movie JPH Blockbuster

Prom night part 1 movie

JPH Blockbuster. Half the bluray movies that Netflix had a very long wait are available in my queue. Im VERY happy!!!!! I dont rent unless its blu-ray. I dont watch TV unless its HD. I dont go to theaters unless its IMAX. I seriously hope that this extra fee goes to buying more prom night part 1 movie of blu ray movies. Right now, I seem to be perpetually waiting for them to returned. If you want to charge extra for HD movies, you better make damn sure that you have them in stock. I cant believe youre going to raise the price even if its just a dollar PLUS tax in times like this when so many people are looking at ways to cut cost. Netflix isnt a necessity, and I hope everyone did like I did and cancelled prom night part 1 movie Bluray option the second they learned about it. I joined Netflix BECAUSE you were the underdog, now you seem like all the other CORPORATE GREED HOUNDS. I think its perfectly reasonable to pay an extra dollar per month for Blu-ray discs. The thing that bothers me is that it seems to be an opt-out program. Automatically raising my rate under the prom night part 1 movie that I want to be in a program is sneaky. It should be opt-in. The only reason I found out about this is because I came across this while searching for something else an update on instant viewing for Macs, to be specific. Automatic sign-up for a program that costs me more? Not cool. Blu-Ray disengaged and I drop from 3 to 2 Blu-Ray is the future and DVD is the dinosaur, so essentially you plan to charge us more for the future, well you may ultimately lose a customer by raising your rates and I use Blu-Ray once or twice a month tops, I can get plenty of HD movies from my cable provider. I wont be manipulated into higher rates to have up to date technology. Canceling my subscription. The Blu-ray option was the only competitive advantage keeping me here. The DRM-laden IE-only watch-it-now already didnt work w/FF or my Mac, so it wasnt an option anyway. Now without equal-access to Blu-ray, I can save this 1 increase and then some by going somewhere else.

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