Catwoman part 1 movie If you havent noticed everyone is

Catwoman part 1 movie If you havent noticed everyone is talking re-design this time around for the MBP. How do you know that Apple wont taper the laptop similar to Vaio Z or the MBA and move away from slot-loading drives. Slot loading drives are a pain in the a% anyway. A redesign in which Apple uses clunkier tech and requires to them to excessively fatten up their devices? Occams Razor says no. I agree that slot-loading drives has some annoying limitations, but that hasnt stopped Apple from using them exclusively in all their Macs, except the Mac Pro in which a full-sized, full-speed tray-loading drive makes sense. Thats what people said about CD-Rs. It has to start out expensive CD-Rs were never that expensive. 50 for a Sony BD-R right now and that is a price drop. Dual layer is BR burning/recording wont become pervasive until those prices are cut down to a small fraction of what they currently are. Burner prices must drop as well. AND the encoding time has to be shortened by building rendering accelerator chips catwoman part 1 movie the computers. Encoding for Blu-Ray video is seriously time consuming even with a fast computer. With the release of Mac OS X 5 earlier this week /2008/09/15/apple-releases-mac-os-x-10-5-5/, Apple should begin work on Mac OS X Built-in Blu-ray support into Mac OS X would open the door for Apple to finally catwoman part 1 movie Blu-ray drives into their Macs as well as Blu-ray support into their suite of iLife applications. The 6 update will not come before catwoman part 1 movie rumored notebook revisions in October, but could conceivably be ready by Macworld San Francisco 200 Forget iLife. DVDSP is WAY past due for an upgrade. Does anyone know of a professional app from Apple that is this long in the tooth? Besides, I get the impression that Jobs does not think optical media is important anymore given the integration of YouTube into iMovie and the lack of integration between iMovie and iDVD. If Apple hasnt released it in Tiger OR Leopard they certainly arent going to do it in a point-point release. Blue-ray in Snow Leopard, MAYBE.

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